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미국 부동산

(미국 부동산 자격증 Realtor) 부동산 관련 용어


Land: “The top of the earth, it’s tress, bushes, waters, extending down and upwards”

Improvements: “Improved assets that fall on, in or on top of the property”

Appurtenances: “Occurs when the attachment becomes part of the property”

Underground Right: “Known as subsurface rights, anything that is under the ground you own is yours and it is considered real property”

Air Rights: “The ownership of rights that extend above the property”

Bundle of Rights: “Set of legal rights assigned to the title holder of real property”

Disposition: “The right of the owner to dispose of the property”

Enjoyment: One of the bundle of rights that allows the owner of the property to "enjoy" the property freely and openly

Exclusion: “The right to exclude others from using the land”

Possession: The right to possess the land with legal title”

Control: “The right to control the property under legal conditions”

Chattle: An individual’s personal property (another term used in real estate)”

Tangible Property: “A person’s personal property that can be seen, touched, held”

Intangible Property: A person’s property that can NOT be seen, touched or held”

Affixture: “The conversion of personal property to real property”

Severance: The conversion of real property to personal property”

Conversion: “The act of changing from one type of property to another”

Real Property: “Land, anything under it or over it, rights, improvements and fixtures”

Personal Property: “All property that is not real property”

Accession: “The acquisition of tenants property by landlord due to failure of removing the property at end of lease”

Fructus Naturales: “The plants or crops that yield or produce the harvested crop”

Fructus Industriales: “The actual fruit or material that came from the plant”

Emblements: “Items that came from the crop and are now personal property”

Corporeal: “Often referred to as real property that is inheritable

Incorporeal: Often referred to as personal property that is inheritable”

Estate: “The degree, quantity and nature of one’s interest in land”

Leasehold Estate: “Ownership of a temporary right to hold land or property”

Lessor: “Landlord or the ‘Giv-or of the lease’ but retains bundle or rights”

Lessee: “Tenant or the ‘Receiv-ee of the lease’ but has some rights under the lease”

Freehold Estate: “Any estate which is free from hold of any entity”

Grantor: “The person who is giving the estate (Giv-or)

Grantee: “The person who is receiving the estate (Receiv-ee)”

Fee Simple Absolute: “Highest and most desirable form of property ownership”

Indefeasible Fee: “Unable to annul, forfeit or end the estate as long as the owner abides by all legal rights”

Fee Simple Qualified: “A type of fee estate which has limitations placed upon it”

Defeasible: “Can be terminated if certain criteria is met or not met”

Annul: “To declare invalid (void)”

Fee Simple Determinable: “As long as something is done (or not done) in deed”

Reverter Clause: “Automatically transfers full ownership back to grantor”

Fee Simple on Condition Subsequent: “Subject to a prohibited declaration in deed”

Fee Simple Conditional: “Inheritance of property is limited to direct descendants only” (직계비속에게만 제한적으로 상속가능)

Devise: To will or transfer real property upon one’s death”

Waste: “Lowering the value of property by neglect”

Estate in Reversion: “A life estate that ends upon the death of the life tenant and reverts back to grantor or the grantors heirs”

Estate in Remainder: “Upon the death of life tenant, property will revert to a 3rd party”

Remainderman: “A third party who has a remainder interest in real property”

Estate por autre vie: “A life estate that is based upon the life of someone else”

Homestead: “An owner’s primary residence is protected from general creditors”

Dower: “Life estate the wife has when her husband dies”

Curtsey: Life estate the husband has when his wife dies”



