Sole proprietorship | |
Schedule C -> Form 1040 | |
Gross Business income <Business Expenses> |
Income |
Expenses |
Nondeductible Expenses |
Tax |
Rental Income (Schedule E) Passive activity 15 days more |
Gross rental income Prepaid rental income Rent cancellation payment Improvement-in-lieu of rent <Rental expenses> —---------------------------------- Net rental income Or Net rental loss ** Rental expense 에서 Mortgage interest & property tax는 1년 기준 렌탈 준 기간만큼 으로 계산 (2개월/12개월) 반면에, Utility, Depreciation, Insurance 같은 비용은 Property 사용한 기간 중 렌탈 준 기간만큼 으로 계산 (2개월/3개월) ** Rental Losses are considered passive and will be deductible only to the extent of passive income. (예외: Mom & Pop - $25,000) |
Partnerships, S Corporations, LLCs that are taxes as partnerships or S Corporations | |
2명 이상이면, the default entity type 은 partnership The Partnership can elect to be taxes as a C corp (자격이 된다면 S Corp) Single-member LLC = Disregarded entity (Report on Schedule C) |
Separately stated items (=Ordinary income과 Business Expense가 아닌것) |
Ordinary Business Income.Loss | Business Income <Business Expenses> <Guaranteed Payments> —----------------------------------- Ordinary Business Income/Loss |
Distribution |
Guaranteed Payment to Partners | Guaranteed payments to the partnership은 받는 Partner에게 Self-employment income이 된다. ** S Corp의 주주가 회사로 부터 돈을 받으면 그것은 Salary이지, Guaranteed payment가 아니다. |
Owner’s Share of Ordinary Business Income (Partnership) |
본인이 회사 운영에 actively하게 개입되어 있다면 Self-employment income 본인이 회사 운영에 개입하지 않는 (예를들어, Limited partner) 경우, Self-employment income 이 아니다. |
Owner’s Share of Ordinary Business Income (S-Corp) |
본인이 회사 운영에 개입했건 안했건 S-corp은 Self-employment income으로 안들어간다. 따라서 Self-employment tax를 안낸다. 이것이 S-corp을 선택하는 가장 큰 이유. |
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